Stunning Views at the Kennebec Wilderness Trails #inFrontenac
If you were to stop here, hoping to reconnect with Mother Nature, you’d only need to take a few steps along the trail before the stress would melt away.
Wilderness Trails Navigation
There is a large map at the main trailhead, and the steep sections are indicated so you can plan your route.
The way is well marked throughout the parklands, plus the side loops have distance and time to complete on their own trailhead signage, should you decide to veer off the main path.

Yellow Trail
Treetops swayed in the wind and their shadowy silhouettes danced in the sunshine on this walk through the woodlands and beautiful grassy fields.

Yellow Trail, rock cliffs
Deeper into the wilderness, the forest grows thick and the canopy above filters much of the light. The trail follows the base of a rock cliff, where wildflowers, ferns, and other shade-loving plants grow with abundance.

Top of the Mountain

More sights at the top.

The Mallard Pond

There are plenty of vantage points along this little pond, where you could catch a glimpse of wildlife.

Returning on the Red Trail

Back up and over the hill

Old Ski Hill Side Loop

Old Ski Hill Lookout